Thursday, February 01, 2007

David has done it again!!!!

David of Denmark has topped the Men's Shot Competition. Last year, David did an impressive 9.x seconds. But he was overthrown by Federick of Sweden a few months later. Federick's time was 9.10 seconds.

Yesterday, David and three other friends had a go at it again. And this time, David made a record of 7.25 seconds whereas his friend, Kasper, made a record of 8.27 seconds. This makes them both in the first and second position currently and Federick is now moved to the third position.

So, our top two records are held by the Danish and the third place goes to Swedish.

For the girls, our two Thai ladies have been holding the record for almost a year now. No Swedish ladies have beaten the record so far. Mariann of Norway holds the third position currently.

Our shot competition is very popular with both the guys and gals. All the guys need to do is drink 11 different shots in 11 seconds and under. If they beat this record, the drinks are free. If not, they pay 1,100 baht for the drinks. As for the gals, they only need to drink 7 different shots in 7 seconds and the cost is only 700 baht if they do not make it. All participants gets a free Viking T-Shirt worth 350baht. By the way, all shots are 6cl.

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