Friday, October 06, 2006

Is it safe to visit Thailand and Malaysia

Strange how certain events can change the perspective of anyone. Just a couple of weeks ago, a coup was declared in Thailand. While most of the world's opinion is that it is wrong, this coup is truly one of the most peaceful coup one can ever see.

There was no bloodshed, no arrests or any violence. On this beautiful island of Koh Samui, business is as usual everywhere. It is just as if nothing has happened so far.

While the borders to countries like Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos was closed, the borders to Malaysia remains open. This reflects not only of the safety in Thailand but also of the safety in Malaysia. Many people continue to ply between Thailand and Malaysia via the Thai/Malaysia border without incidents.

So, if you are planning a visit here and would like to travel to Malaysia via road (for budget reasons), please do so. Malaysia is equally a beautiful country on its own. It is entirely different from Thailand and the vast change in culture and environment can be seen as you travel down south.

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