Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Yard of Ale

Mid this year John brought back a Yard of Ale glass as a new addition for our customers. We thought this would be a good compliment to our shot competition.

The Yard would take 5 bottles of beer and the challenge is to drink it all down without stopping. Last week, we finally had a Swedish customer who wanted to take the challenge. Actually this was our thought when he ordered a Yard of Chang beer. But in actual fact, all he wanted was to drink from the Yard because it is different!!! He and his friends had a go each on experiencing how it was like to drink from Yard - it takes technique to drink it down without causing too much bubbles. In fact, even filling the Yard was a technique itself.

And each time they were holding the Yard and passing it around, our hearts was pumping very fast. Why? Very simple - the Yard costs us over 4,000 baht and it is our only one. So, if they break it...well...it would be the end of the Yard and no one has actually dared to take up the challenge of setting a record yet!!!! And in the end, these guys ended up filling the yard 7 times!!!. We are now looking at obtaining half yard of ale glasses - in plastic.

1 comment:

Zie said...

Hi my name is Aidan McNally and im from northern Ireland i recently entered a few compitions back home and won quite easily i have checked around to try and find out what the record is, it was set by a fellow in england at 5 sec in 1975. Like i said i have recently tried it out for myself and got my own personal record of 8.2 sec and i would like to try take up the challenge with you.